TS Train

All Aboard the TS Train

Dr. Bernard Maria was looking for just the right metaphor to describe a patient’s journey with Tourette Syndrome that even a young child could comprehend and give parents an illustration of what to expect. That was when he thought of the TS Train. Dr. Maria serves as chief of the

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NJCTS Announces 2021 Program of Webinars

NJCTS has announced the topics of their Wednesday Webinars series for 2021 featuring presentations by leaders in the field of mental health and education.

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Mental Health Month

In the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Mental Health Has Never Mattered More

NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome provides programs and services for individuals and families during this uncertain time. The coronavirus pandemic is exacting a significant toll on everyone from the physical symptoms, anxiety about the risk of contracting the virus, worry about loved ones, job-related stress (in some cases, reduced hours

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