
The Jeff Vitek Memorial Fund for Youth Development

jeff-vitek-bwIn the fall of 2015, Susan and Patrick Vitek established the Jeff Vitek Memorial Fund for Youth Development at the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders (NJCTS) in honor of the cherished son they loved and lost.

Jeff Vitek began exhibiting signs of Tourette Syndrome around the age of 6 and suffered many difficulties with his teachers, his peers, his family, and with his self-esteem throughout his school years. For more than a dozen years the Viteks struggled to find knowledgeable doctors to deliver a diagnosis and fought to get the school accommodations that would have provided a more accepting social and learning environment for Jeff.

Jeff was extremely creative, inventive, successful, and had an outstanding sense of humor. He was a sensitive and loving son with an excellent work ethic. A passionate supporter of children and helping kids feel better about themselves, Sue and Pat know that Jeff would have been a wonderful mentor had he been given the opportunity.

“When you lose a child you want to do something meaningful and giving other kids the help that Jeff didn’t have was the best thing we could think of,” the Viteks recalled. “All of the things NJCTS is doing are the things that we missed, our son missed, and that we feel passionate about. We are grateful that NJCTS will help others in Jeff’s name.”

The Jeff Vitek Memorial Fund for Youth Development will ensure the continuation and growth of essential training and empowerment programs for youth, transforming them from patients to self-advocates and helping to pave their way to productive, resilient lives.

Sue and Pat encourage others to support the NJCTS Youth Development programs. Consider making a donation in honor or in memory of someone you love to help sustain the fund. To learn more about our Youth Development programs, please call us at 908-575-7350.





The Rice Family – “In loving memory of Ellen and Ted Warner”
The Concepcion Family – “In honor of our son, Christian”
Edwin W. Whitehead
Edward and Linda Finn
Ruth Ely
William and Mary Ann Silber
James and Diane Wright – “In memory of Jeff Vitek and in honor of Sue and Pat Vitek”
Jennifer Perkins – “In memory of Jeff Vitek and in honor of Sue and Pat Vitek”
Richard and Janice Newport
Bronwen Perkins
Sharon Small
Kathy and John Kramer – “In memory of Jeff Vitek”
Jennifer LeFevre – “In honor of Sue Vitek”

All material © 2024, NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome