Stop Making That Sound! Understanding Misophonia

Misophonia is characterized by sensitivity to specific sounds that can cause extreme physical and emotional distress. These intense and involuntary reactions can cause an individual to avoid certain behaviors and cause negative impacts on their daily functioning. Although the examination of Misophonia is an emerging field, recent studies suggest that

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Meeting My Inspiration to Advocate

As an awkward 6th grader who was struggling with my disorder, seeing her on the stage speaking her mind truly inspired me. 

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 101

This webinar will be covering the basics on what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is and what it is not. We will discuss the mechanisms that maintain OCD, the importance of not giving in to compulsion, and how to cope with the distress that this can cause the individual suffering from

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Youth Advocate Sofia ‘Tackles Tourette’ for Fourth Year

Sofia Trabilcy is well on her way to reaching her $5,000 goal and exceeding every other walk team.

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The Benefits of a Neuropsychological Evaluation

Presented by Cristina Sperrazza, Psy.D. Dr. Cristina Sperrazza, a neuropsychologist, speaks about the benefits of a neuropsychological evaluation. She provides a brief explanation of neuropsychology, an overview of the neuropsychological evaluation process, differences between neuropsychological testing and school evaluations, and possible outcomes after a neuropsychological evaluation (e.g., diagnosis, treatment and

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“I finally felt that I was not alone.”

I am so thankful to NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome

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A Neuroplasticity-Based Approach to Tics

Presented by Betsy Stroeber It’s well understood that tic disorders are neurological in nature and usually follow a common developmental course. Most often, this course leads to abatement of symptoms in adulthood, even in relatively severe childhood cases. What’s behind the common course of tic disorders and what if we

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Mental Health in Media: Its Stigma and Stereotypes

Presented by Meg Isbitski, LCSW We will discuss the inaccurate and harmful depictions of mental health in the media. There will be an explanation of how these depictions relate to stigma and perpetuating stereotypes from a personal and societal perspective. Special considerations include different cultural lenses and how this affects

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Tourette Syndrome PSA

NJCTS Advocates Call for a Stop to TS Stereotypes

Four young advocates tell their story in new PSAs for NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome

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Twitcha 2

Twitcha 2 is Now Available

After discovering her superpowers, Twitcha is starting to have doubts as a new villain causes her anxiety and depression to spin out of control.

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