
Tourette Talk: Ensuring Success of Neurodivergent Students in the Classroom

Students with Tourette Syndrome are frequently misunderstood in the classroom. When they are also very bright, students are designated twice-exceptional (2e), and school challenges can be compounded. Using gifted characteristics, Jacqui discusses how 2e make classrooms more complicated for teachers and shares how teachers can both understand these wonderful students and help them thrive. This session is for teachers and parents who are not familiar with the ways in which classroom environments can be changed to support 2e students.


Jacqui Byrne is the visionary behind FlexSchool – a network of learning communities specifically designed to engage and support the creative, quirky, asynchronous minds of gifted and twice-exceptional (2e) students.

An acknowledged expert in education, Jacqui is a sought-after speaker, presenting to school district guidance counselors, state gifted boards, education associations, and professional conferences. Jacqui is honored to be an advisor for the Bridges Graduate School Certificate in 2e Education and on the Advisory Board for the documentary film The G Word.

Before founding FlexSchool, Jacqui co-founded the widely respected Ivy Ed college preparation and counseling firm. She has a B.A. from Yale University and is a parent of twice-exceptional kids.




  • October 26, 2023
  • 7:00 pm