Here’s how YOU can take action during Tourette Awareness Month!

Just about every day I see someone asking questions about Tourettes for which there are no solid answers. I can’t tell you what causes Tourettes, I can’t answer why Tourettes is hereditary yet you have no family history of it, I can’t respond to any question about medication without telling you that medicating for Tourettes may take trial and error because we all react differently to medication, I can’t even tell you how many people have Tourettes.

There is a lot of research needed to find the answers to these questions. To get that research done there needs to be more funding specifically for Tourettes. To get that funding we need to make some noise and draw attention to just how many of us there are. The National Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. has set up an easy way for us to make that noise. There is a bill in congress that would re-allocate existing funds at the National Institute of Health (NIH) towards research and data collection on Tourettes, just follow this link and you can easily write to your representatives in congress to ask them to support this bill


There is a form letter already typed up that you can customize. Please do personalize your letters, TSA’s letter is kind of boring and factual, personal stories will make your letter more memorable. When you’re done ask your family and friends if they will also write a letter, the more people that write the better!!!


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