Advocacy and awareness: Necessities and parts of daily life, part 2

This is the continuation from my post yesterday. Read that one first, if you haven’t yet! :) My son had complex tics when he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, but those tics subsided once life stresses were reduced and we… Continue Reading


Advocacy and awareness: Necessities and parts of daily life, part 1

I don’t claim to have life as a mother figured out, especially having a child with neurological challenges. I am guessing other mothers have more patience than I do, but I am certainly not giving in or being too tired… Continue Reading


A personal account of living with Tourette Syndrome & associated disorders, part 3: Quality of life

In my first two posts, I talked about what my life was like early on and the various phases of treatment I had to go through leading up to present day. Now, I’ll talk about how Tourette Syndrome can hinder… Continue Reading


A personal account of living with Tourette Syndrome & associated disorders, part 1: Early life

I hope the essay that follows about my experience dealing with Tourette Syndrome serves to help the individuals suffering from the disorder and their parents. I’ve made the essay as detailed as possible while at the same time not making… Continue Reading