High school students learn lots about Tourette Syndrome from fellow student

When Amanda Silvers first contacted Spotswood Public Schools to gauge their interest in having the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders’ (NJCTS) in-service presentation on TS come to their district, Director of Special Services/Programs Daniel Silvia was… Continue Reading


I am proud to be a youth advocate for Tourette Syndrome!

Because of all of your efforts supporting Tourette Syndrome, the Collaborative Academic Research Efforts (CARE) for Tourette Syndrome Act of 2013 has been reintroduced in the House of Representatives! What does this mean? If passed, there will be a bill… Continue Reading


Teens4TS blogger is named Tourette Syndrome Youth Advocate of the Year for 2012!

The New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS) has announced that Emily Fleischman is the recipient of the first annual NJCTS Youth Advocate of the Year Award. The Youth Advocate of the Year Award was established in… Continue Reading