Get to know me for me!

Hi, I’m Shawnna Rhey Moses, and I’ll be 22 in four days! I have Tourette Syndrome, which I first found out when I was about 5-6, maybe 7 — around that age! It started with a throat tic that was really painful. I have been through SO much with TS, and I now have a bone tic where I crack almost every single bone in my body all the time!

It’s VERY painful, and it’s hard to deal with. I live with TS, and I accept it, but I often wonder what life would be like without it. I am also married and very in love with a man that accepts me, loves me and takes care of me! I am very happy and blessed!

I’m also one of the new admins over at RowenaM’s Twitch and Jerk site on Facebook, so come visit me there, too! I look forward to blogging a lot here!



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