Hey there everyone! My name is Sara, and I am new to this blog! My birthday is on July 16. My favorite color is aqua. :D I love to draw, listen to music and chat with my friends! I have Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, Dyspraxia and OCD. I hope to post again soon!
Oh, and if you want to e-mail me with questions, please e-mail me at: octoberpumpkins98@yahoo.com. Hope to talk to you all soon! :D
In the meantime, check out my Tourette Syndrome video on YouTube. It’s already received almost 10,000 hits! Also, you can find me on Facebook.
Also, if you don’t mind me asking, what is Dyspraxia? I am curious to know what that is.
Hi Mike. My dispraxia makes me have a hard time buttoning/zippering things. I have troubles on steps, because my muscles get weak/tired easy. It makes me have short-term memory loss. I feel the same way about my tics. It makes me feel like Im being controled all the time. My OCD, ADHD, TS, and all of that stuff kinda feed on each other, for example: I will get distracted (ADHD) and see something uneven (OCD) if I dont fix it, I will get ticcy (Tourette’s Syndrome). Here is the link to my facebook: http://www.facebook.com/saracooneyxo and then my TS video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKwlKGkTf3c&feature=plcp please when you can, email me at octoberpumpkins98@yahoo.com. Keep in touch! :)
Hi Sara!
I am quite new to this blogging stuff too. I also have Tourette Syndrome and OCD as well. How is you life dealing with all of your tics. For me, it is pretty difficult to deal with and it sometimes I feel like it controls me. Look forward to chatting with you!