Oh What A Tangled (Neural) Web We Weave: A first-person account of Tourette Syndrome (part 7, medical overload)

    EDITOR’S NOTE: This multipart series first appeared in the March 2010 edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice and also can be found on Life’s A Twitch, a website run by Canadian psychologist Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay.… Continue Reading


Oh What A Tangled (Neural) Web We Weave: A first-person account of Tourette Syndrome (part 6, treatment experience)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This multipart series first appeared in the March 2010 edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice and also can be found on Life’s A Twitch, a website run by Canadian psychologist Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay. Deep breathing… Continue Reading


Oh What A Tangled (Neural) Web We Weave: A first-person account of Tourette Syndrome (part 5, behavioral treatment)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This multipart series first appeared in the March 2010 edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice and also can be found on Life’s A Twitch, a website run by Canadian psychologist Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay. This model… Continue Reading


Oh What A Tangled (Neural) Web We Weave: A first-person account of Tourette Syndrome (part 4, observations)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This multipart series first appeared in the March 2010 edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice and also can be found on Life’s A Twitch, a website run by Canadian psychologist Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay. “Insider” observations,… Continue Reading


Oh What A Tangled (Neural) Web We Weave: A first-person account of Tourette Syndrome (part 2, phenomenology)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This multipart series first appeared in the March 2010 edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice and also can be found on Life’s A Twitch, a website run by Canadian psychologist Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay. The itches… Continue Reading


Oh What A Tangled (Neural) Web We Weave: A first-person account of Tourette Syndrome (part 1, background)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This multipart series first appeared in the March 2010 edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice and also can be found on Life’s A Twitch, a website run by Canadian psychologist Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay. I am… Continue Reading


We Connect Now takes individuals with disabilities to the next level

We Connect Now is a website and nonprofit organization dedicated to uniting people on issues which affect people with disabilities, with a particular emphasis on college students, higher education and employment. We are often asked, “What’s next for We Connect Now?”… Continue Reading