Hey guys! I’m sorry I’ve been slacking on blogging here! The moderators have been so kind and they’ve been updating for me! I wanted to let you guys know about my two most recent vlogs: Hospitals and therapy. I know a lot of people with Tourette Syndrome go through endless types of therapy and are often hospitalized for many of the accompanying disorders. These are some facts (mixed with some personal experience) about that!
Thanks for watching!
I also have started a page on Tumblr called TS Toucan! You don’t need an account to enjoy the page, and you can submit memes, ask questions, tell stories, seek help and do anything else you can think of. I’m here to be a resource and a source of entertainment. :) Please follow if you have a Tumblr, and just keep watch if you don’t! Thanks!
i never thought of it as someone having 2 go 2 a hospital for tourette because its not that kind of disease. but i guess someone could get hurt from ticcing or something like that. wow, good perspective cassandra! :)