Hi! For the Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month and European TS Awareness Day (June 7), I’m collecting as many “versions” of Tourette’s as I can, using the logo of the Dutch TSA. Can you help me with this?
What you need to do is take the circles below and fill them the way TS is for you — the big stuff in the big circles, and the small stuff in the small circles.
For everyone, Tourette is different, so for everyone the circles are different! As you can see in the example below, you can add circles if you want to, or leave them the way it is.
You can send your version of TS to me via e-mail (kids@tourette.nl) or on Twitter (@iLaura_B, @Touretteprobs or @StichtingGTS). I want to make a video and/or collage of it, so it would mean a lot to me if I had a lot more of them!