Hey everyone! In my last post I talked about how I was having trouble recently participating in my poetry class because of my tics. So, I sent my professor this e-mail to explain:
I wanted to let you know that I’ve been having trouble participating in class lately due to my tics. I’ve had this problem in the past, but it seems to be becoming more frequent again. More often than not, when I want to say something in class my tics interfere and I’m not able to open my mouth and say what I want to say. Hopefully this problem will pass soon, but I’m really not sure.
I wanted to let you know about this in hopes that it will not affect my participation grade.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
She responded to my e-mail yesterday, and this was her response:
Thanks for letting me know, I had noticed your participation has been a little less than usual, but I understand.
Short, sweet and to the point! I was really glad to get this e-mail from her because I had been worrying that she would dock my participation grade. But, nope! She understands, and once again with a little education and explanation, TS is not going to hold me back even when the tics do get rough.