I survived the wrath of Sandy (not Sandy Cheeks)

Herro der people of the interwebs, and welcome to a very fabutastic post by me, your host, Jaden. It’s pretty amazing that I’m typing this, because Hurricane Sandy gave me a visit the other day and we lost no power. It was awesome! I’ll tell you about it later.

On Saturday, I went trick-or-treating. When I said a lot of treats and terror, I meant A LOT A LOT. By the time I got home, I would say I had about 3-4 pounds of candy in total. The terror part was in the middle of my route, at my best friend’s grandpa’s house.

My best friend’s grandpa brings him to his house and has him be a part of the scariness. This year, he was dressed in a scary swamp-like-thing costume. Oh yeah, he was also covered in blood. Now, that’s just one slice of the cake. The reaaaaaaaaaaally scary part was this guy dressed in a similar costume, but bigger and creepier. Did I spell that right? I don’t know.

Anyways, the guy had a gargantuan chainsaw, and he walked around very calm, and if you were near him, and he saw you, you ran. You. Just. Ran. He would chase you down the block with the chainsaw on, and he would scream like someone that went insane.

Back to Sandy. The other day, she made the power flick on and off 3 times. No more, no less. But the power stayed on the rest of the night, and Sandy’s gone now. She’s back in Texas. Wait, no, that’s Sandy Cheeks. Tropical Storm Sandy, I’m glad your gone and out of my state.

I pray for all the victims of Sandy, and I hope nobody got too stressed. Most likely, a lot of new tics were created, and I hope they go away from those who got new ones. It’s 10:46 a.m. and … um …. I don’t know what to do. That’s all, folks!




  1. Hurricane Sandy sounds about as bad as the Typhoon we had here last year in Queensland that just devastated an enormous area with flooding. Thoughts and prayers to all of you on the East Coast of the States. Hugs and cheers!

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