List of all NJCTS webinars, including September 17 on getting kids motivated for school

THIS WEEK’S WEBINAR Getting Kids Motivated for School September 17, 2014 Presented by Graham Hartke, Psy.D. As our schools continue to increase curriculum, testing, and workload standards, many kids and teens are struggling to stay motivated in school. These are students… Continue Reading


Spotting Tourette in the Classroom, Part 2: So what’s a teacher to do?

Everyone remembers that kid in class who made weird noises to annoy the teacher. But what about those instances where the noises aren’t meant to drive the teacher crazy? Is it possible a student might be dealing with Tourette Syndrome? How do… Continue Reading


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms, Causes and Effects

EDITOR’S NOTE: This blog post originally appeared on www.psychguides.com. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is an anxiety disorder that generally causes extreme discomfort. Sufferers are often riddled with persistent and recurrent impulses, thoughts and images that are unwanted. According to the National… Continue Reading


Chance to thank NJ Senator for supporting Tourette Syndrome was invaluable

A few weeks ago, Senator Stephen Sweeney visited the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS) to meet a few of the kids and families who benefit from the organization’s resources and tireless efforts. His visit was… Continue Reading


List of all NJCTS webinars, including August 13 on 10 ways to make a great school year

THIS WEEK’S WEBINAR 10 Ways to Make a Great School Year August 13, 2014 Presented by Dr. Michael Osit Along with an extremely early Labor Day comes a rapidly approaching return to school for your children. Some of you might be… Continue Reading