Hey guys, sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve been so busy with school and everything, but I’m back!!! A lot has gone on since I’ve been gone. I finally turned 21 in January, which is exciting!! I absolutely love being 21 — it’s so amazing! Also, I changed my major from education to just sociology.
Now, I know I said I wanted to become a teacher, but in the end, I decided that that;s not where my heart is. I honestly want to just become a motivational speaker for what I have, which is Tourette’s, OCD and Anxiety. (By the way, I love how my internet doesn’t know what OCD is and says it’s wrong, but it knows what COD is … that’s a problem!)
Along with that, I got a new therapist. Her name is Sharon, and she is incredible. She is not like a normal therapist, as she does not go by the books. She goes more by this meditation and talking to your highest self route. I’ll make sure to write another post about her and what she teaches me because it is so helpful, and hopefully I can help you guys, too!!
Um, I dyed my hair a reddish brown at the beginning of the semester, and then I just recently dyed it back blonde — I’ll show you guys a picture of how it is naturally, how it was red and then how it is now if I can figure that out!
Oh my goodness guys, I’m graduating next year! I cannot believe this!! I am going to be on my own and hopefully fulfilling my dreams! If I could become a motivational speaker that would honestly be the most amazing job in the world!!! I think I have an idea of where I want to work or how to come about that, but if you guys have any suggestions on how to get myself out there please let me know!!
Now let;s see, I’ve really gotten into the band The Neighbourhood — they’re really good, go check them out! They sing “Sweater Weather,” which is pretty popular on the radio.
Haha, now I’m just rambling. Anyways, that’s about it for what’s new right now! I will make sure to keep you updated!!