Good evening … and the anxiety kicks in. This isn’t 100 percent Tourette’s related, but is very much anxiety related. Soo there’s this one guy I like a lot. Today I invited him over. I’m going to have a few friends over, and him. They all know I like him. One or two of them know I really want to ask him out. And one wants to ask him out for me. SO I have a lot of stress on me.
I am not sure exactly how to tell him I wanna be his girlfriend. How to tell him I have feelings for him. I want to be the bigger person cause usually I’m down to the ground. I wanted to ask him out. Alone. But I’m worried “what if one of my friends walk in while I’m asking him out?” Or “what if I kiss him then they walk in and are all like OOOOOOHHHH?” And the most stressful question is: “What if he says no?”
So I’m not sure who will reply on time, but does anyone have a way I can ask him out with the least anxiety? I’m thinking a note, but I’m not sure.. ’cause that may make me look weak. Anyways, thoughts?
Also, this is starting to make me tic a little. I haven’t ticced that much in the past 3-6 months. But its starting to kick in again. It’s scarring me … does anyone else get more tics when their nervous/anxious?