I’m on my way

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, “Always do what you are afraid to do.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello everyone. I am so so sorry for not posting on here in so long. I honestly have forgotten all about it. So much has gone on. I have focused on school, mainly. I have one more course, Spanish 2, and then I will be a senior in high school. I also have my future planned out. Of course, nothing really always goes as planned in the future. Anything can happen. But I know what and who I wanna be.

Also, I’m about to go to Ohio with my grandparents. I will be gone for nine days. I’m really excited — scared, of course, but excited. I’m a very adventurous person, so I love to travel. I will be in Ohio celebrating my great grandmother’s birthday. She will 88. It will be my first time seeing her in years. I hope to have a lot fun!

I plan on trying out for RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art). After I turn 18, I will be applying to RADA, which is a very famous acting college. I want to be both a famous singer and actress. I would like to get education in acting so I can do it well. One of my favorite actors went to RADA, which is how I found out about it. I have to audition after I apply, so I’d be going to New York first, then — if I get in — I’d be going to London!!! I’ve always wanted to go to those two places!

Like I said in the beginning, I only have Spanish 2 left and I will be a senior in high school. Time has flown by so fast. It feels like only yesterday that I was in, like, fourth grade, lol!

That is what has been going on. Hope you all are having an exciting week! :)



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