Support means more than almost anything in the world

Adversity introduces a man to himself.
~ Anonymous

Now that I’m finally nearing the finish line and graduating in May, I know more than ever that this was the path I was meant to go. I would say the path “I was meant to follow” but follow is exactly what I didn’t do.

Nine years ago, being a teacher was not something I had a desire to do. Then I walked into that first special education classroom and it happened…that light-bulb moment.

Every step of Jacob’s life has made us more understanding and more willing to accept life as a blessing. Tourette Syndrome is a part of our lives, and difference doesn’t stand in our path — it helps to pave it.

I — we — are thankful for all of your support. Jacob decided he couldn’t come up with something to say every day, but just being himself is enough to inspire an army.

Read more from me on my Embracing Difference Facebook page.

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