HolisTIC: Magnesium Citrate and Taurine

This post is dedicated to Veronica, who was sweet enough to write me a little note asking me where the heck I have been. She misses me! Hooray! I have missed this site, too. To be honest, I have been kind of a whirling dervish of house work, kids, trying to figure out employment, getting a new job, quitting because my boss was an 84-year old maniac who couldn’t stop screaming about my subject lines “Horseshxt! Superfulous Horsehixt!”, fretting over finances, attempting not to fret over finances and ultimately deciding that my priority for now is to be as present with my kids as possible given that we have a four-month summer coming up.

Yes, let me say that again. FOUR MONTHS.

Here is how I feel about that concept.


Just kidding. It’s more like this.


But that’s okay. I am going to make the most of it. I have finally decided to make my income by concentrating full-time on Ebay and freelance writing. Sounds like a weird mix, but it works.

Writing Clients

Blogging for a surrogacy company – GlobalIVF

Bloggin for a prescription discount company – SimpleRX



Here’s my store. I am figuring out the most efficient ways to list, sell and ship my items. The ultimate goal is less thrift store items and more New with Tag items purchased downtown. I figure if I buy the same item in bulk, I only have to list it once rather than taking a gazillion photos/day. Other than filling orders, I can spend my time taking care of my wee ones and working on my book marketing which leads me to my final two points:

1. My kids are not so wee anymore: Stink’s hair is threatening to take over space, and my daughter is getting hips. I feel so strongly that I’d rather have a little less money but more quality time with my kids. Actually, what I’d like is a ton of money and time with my kids but I’ll take the second if held at gunpoint.


2. My book is being published: I am excited to say I have a publisher for my book. It’s a boutique agency who has followed by writing for a while. Happily Ticked Off will hit bookstores, libraries and Amazon in September. Stay tuned for details and giveaways as it gets closer. Here is the publishing house’s website and my write-up

More Blogging Here

In addition to all the above, plan on finding more of my regular writing on this here blog. LIke this report on Stink’s tics. They are dramatically reduced thanks to these supplements:


As you may recall, Stink had some pretty consistent vocals this year. We’re talking almost nine months of a quacking hiccup. When I put him on NAC they didn’t subside. But when I put him on the Taurine and Cal Mag Citrate, they almost went away within a week. I don’t know if the NAC helps in the combo or if it’s just the Magnesium and Taurine. I’m not taking the chance for now. He takes all 3 combos morning and night (one pill each).

I am honestly relieved to have less noise in the house, but as I often write about, I’m in a lot of acceptance about tics these days. Stink remains hilarious and eccentric and himself. I can’t really afford to cry anymore about something he’s not crying about.

Well, gotta go. Farmer Stacey is in town. She’s my friend with the 5 boys who lives on 20 acres in Northern California. We met when I wrote on Baby Center and she was a reader, pregnant with her fifth. I somehow didn’t scare her off. We met in real life last month for the first time and she’s back again this weekend. We have had so much fun. I think the highlite of her trip was hanging out with the kids and me at 94 year old Grandma Stella’s mobile home park. She got to witness first hand Stella’s assessment of my terrible cooking, dirty housecleaning and big boobs. Plus she had more food and Italian trivia pushed on her than a millionaire at a used car lot.

grandma stella and stacey

I’ve missed you all so! Leave a comment and let me know how you and your beautiful kids are doing. As always:

May God grant you the serenity to accept the tics you cannot change, change the tics you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter. I would love to connect with you. 

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