I have 4 kids and the oldest (10) is the one with TS. The third and fourth are pretty young and don’t really notice the TS at all. The second is 7.5 and is really close to his brother. Today we had a great conversation about his brother. I asked him if he has a hard time living with his brother’s TS. His response was simple, classic and made me wish that I could see life through his point of view. He said:
“I just live with him and I can’t tell what’s him and what is his TS, so I just don’t care.”
I stopped in my tracks and realized that maybe I obsess too much about it and I need to look at like E. does. It just IS. He accepts his brother as he is and doesn’t dwell on the TS, the possible ADHD and OCD. Time for me to just accept and stop asking a million questions!