Twas the day ‘fore Thanksgiving
And all through the house
Stink was ticking acutely
Like a video game mouse
His mother was worried
It seemed too much to bear
With housecleaning and shopping
(Let’s not talk of her hair!)
It hadn’t been cut
In three months … maybe more
Plus the pit bull had puked
On the living room floor
Between frets about job hunts
And descending in-laws
It dawned on this mama
That there was a flaw
Maybe she didn’t need to worry so much
Perhaps on herself she was being too tough?
A big bit of crazy talk stuck her head
“Maybe … just maybe … I mean
Maybe… instead
God isn’t interested in a few tics and twitches”
Is it possible he’s telling her the secret to riches
Isn’t focusing much longer on a wonky condition
That if left to her brain, would cause nothing but bitchin?
“Is it possible,” says God, “That you’re meant for some writing
That’s a bit more uplifting… a lot more exciting?”
I’m starting to think, folks
I’m over Tourettes
I’m not over YOU
But for me what is best
Is to focus on the wonderful things of my boy
The laughter and humor… the love and the joy
My son brings such magic
Despite a few shakes
It’s time that his mother
Stops making mistakes
It’s time she stop writing about what cannot change
But go back to words that can show off her range
I’m missing my Silverstein … my Suess … and my Dahl
I’m missing the passionate fun of it all
So while my work can be archived …
And soon there will be a book
My blogging is going to have a new look
It will focus on poetry … on humor … on laughter
Let the sunshine explode from floor to the rafters
May I write some new things
To the delight of your kids
To bring out the fun that we sometimes keep hid
I hope that you’ll join me on the new path I travel
It will take a wee bit for this all to unravel
But when it does, I’ll pass on the new link
I’d sure love your readership
What do you think?