I’m joining the Big/Little program

Hello everyone! Last night, I decided to be a part of a program called the Big/Little program. It’s basically where a “big brother or sister” is paired up with a “little brother or sister” and the big sibling helps the little sibling out in life. The big sibling gives the little one advice, help and so forth when it comes to life with Tourette Syndrome.

And we get to communicate and become friends (hopefully lifelong friends! So, I will soon be a big sister!!! I’m so excited! I’ve never done this before. I hope my little bro or sis likes me. And also yesterday was my second mom’s birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. KATIE!!! I will always love you even though I can be such a teenager sometimes! LOL

Hope you all have an eptasticful day! :)

You can read more about the Big/Little program on RuthieP’s A Little Bit Different page on Facebook, too!




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