
You can play an important role in advancing research and finding a cure for Tourette Syndrome!

Individuals and families with TS can participate in the genetics sharing program by interviewing with Dr. Robert King on January 23-24 and February 7 at Rutgers and February 8 in South Jersey.

PISCATAWAY – Every day, scientists and geneticists are working to find a cure for Tourette Syndrome. What if you could actually be a part of the research taking place that could someday usher a cure into existence? You can! Join the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders’ (NJCTS) efforts and personally be part of making that happen.

Dr. Robert King, a professor of child psychiatry at the Yale University Medical School and medical director of the TS/OCD Clinic at the Yale University Child Study Center, will be at the Cell and DNA Repository at Rutgers University all day on Thursday and Friday, January 23 and 24, as well as Friday, February 7, to interview individuals and families interested in participating in the National Institute of Mental Health NJCTS Genetics Sharing Program.

Dr. King also will be taking part in a TS genetics and information workshop on Saturday, February 8, at Virtua Hospital in Voorhees. More about this workshop will be available soon. For more information about the Rutgers dates or to schedule an appointment with Dr. King, please e-mail Dr. Gary Heiman, a team leader at the repository, at familystudy@biology.rutgers.edu.

Dr. King visits Rutgers each month to conduct these interviews; this year, he also has spearheaded a grand rounds presentation for NJCTS at Monmouth Medical Center and facilitated a PatientCentered Medical Education conference at the Yale University Child Study Center. If you have yet to see the TS research taking place at the repository, check out the tour given to New Jersey legislators in May!

We also invite you to download a genetics brochure, visit the home page for the Rutgers University Cell and DNA Repository or see the event listings on our Facebook page.