
Wednesday Webinars: “iSocialSkills” focused on utilizing technology; “Medication Management” up next

Participants nationwide found Dr. Graham Hartke’s perspective on pro-social tech very useful; the next New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome webinar is scheduled for May 8.

Dr. Graham Hartke, Psy.D, discussed how to utilize technology in a prosocial way during the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS) Wednesday Webinar on May 1. Originally scheduled for April 24, “iSocialSkills” focused on how cell phones, text messaging, the internet, interactive video games, computers, tablets and other forms of technology impact today’s children and adolescents. The first part of the webinar concentrated on the impact technology has had on communication, learning, attention and socialization, while the second part noted strategies for helping students, parents and educators reduce risks and cope with challenges. Here is some feedback NJCTS received on the webinar:

“I was shocked to learn that you must be 13 to log onto Facebook. I work in a K-8 school, and most 4th -graders are on the site. I will use some of my knowledge from this webinar to persuade my husband to move his volume-off, charging phone from his night table. He’s a poor sleeper, and I do notice every time he gets a notification or news blurb it lights up. I’m sure he subconsciously notices it. I believe we should make parents aware of web safety, but the enforcement is a home issue.” – Gail from New Jersey

“I want to use the idea of looking at online posts to discuss how the person was feeling and why they posted in the Social Skills class that I teach in a middle school. I think that is a great avenue to develop a lot of skills and open up honest, relevant discussions.” – Stephanie from Texas

“I can use these tips to caution my students to be very wary as to the areas of the Internet they are becoming attached to due to subsequent harm to themselves and perhaps others.” – Mary from New Jersey

NJCTS’ next webinar – “Medication Management for Tics and Tourette Syndrome” – will take place on May 8. Dr. Mark Mintz will explain the biological rationale for using medications for tics and TS, the various types of drugs that have shown to be beneficial, and discuss the risks and benefits of medication therapies. This webinar is for professionals, therapists and persons and their families dealing with Tourette and associated disorders such as OCD, ADHD, anxiety and depression.

You can register for this webinar or view and download past NJCTS webinars. or more information about NJCTS, please visit www.njcts.org.

The Wednesday Webinar series, which draws an audience from 48 states and 13 countries, was launched in 2008. The series, offered at no cost to participants, features online seminars for parents, educators and professionals on topics of interest to the TS and associated disorders community. Professional development credits are given upon verification of attendance and completion of an exit survey. Credits are distributed by mail one week after the webinar.