One-hour presentation wll be by Susan Conners, author of “The Tourette Syndrome/OCD Checklist: A Practical Resource for Parents and Educators”
Many teachers and educators are not sure what to do when they find out they have a child with Tourette Syndrome or associated disorders in their class. A teacher’s perspective on what can actually be done within a classroom to make accommodations for students with TS will be the focus of the next New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS) Wednesday Webinar from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 11.
Titled “Managing Tourette Syndrome in the Classroom,” this webinar will address what is realistic within any age group given class size, social issues, curriculum and teaching demands; small changes that make a huge difference; and strategies to get colleagues on board. It will be presented by Susan Conners, M.Ed., an educator for more than 30 years and author of “The Tourette Syndrome/OCD Checklist: A Practical Resource for Parents and Educators.”
Conners, who has TS, received her bachelor’s degree at Daemon College in Buffalo, N.Y., and her master’s degree at the University of Buffalo. An internationally recognized speaker on Tourette, Conners is an authority on educating students with TS and serves as a go-to source for networks and media outlets in their coverage of TS. She has presented workshops at more than 1,000 schools and has been an education advocate for children with TS for the past 25 years.
In 2008, NJCTS launched the Wednesday Webinar series, which currently draws an audience from 48 states and 11 countries, and presents online seminars for parents, educators and professionals on topics of interest to the TS community at no-cost to participants each month. Professional development credits will be offered upon verifying attendance of the webinar and completion of the exit survey. They will be distributed by mail the week after the webinar.
To register for this webinar, or the March 28 webinar titled “Sleep and Developmental Disabilities: Lessons for All Children,” visit
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New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders, Inc.
Collaborative partnerships for the TS community.