{"id":874,"date":"2012-05-24T08:00:52","date_gmt":"2012-05-24T12:00:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=874"},"modified":"2012-05-24T08:00:52","modified_gmt":"2012-05-24T12:00:52","slug":"no-summer-camp-for-kids-with-ts-unless-you-have-an-aid","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/no-summer-camp-for-kids-with-ts-unless-you-have-an-aid\/","title":{"rendered":"No summer camp for kids with TS … unless you have an “aid”"},"content":{"rendered":"

I called a camp for summer. I was thinking about enrolling Stink and Pip in musical theatre. I mentioned that Stink has Tourette Syndrome. Their response was that it\u2019s fine — if he comes with\u00a0an aid.<\/p>\n

\u201cAn aid? He doesn\u2019t even have an IEP, though,\u201d I balked. \u201cI just told you about his diagnosis so\u00a0you wouldn\u2019t freak out about a few tics during rehearsal.\u201d Their response, \u201cIt\u2019s fine! Really! As long as none of those behaviors that come with TS accompany your camper.\u201d<\/p>\n

Um\u2026\u00a0Huh.\u00a0<\/em>Head scratch head scratch WHAT????<\/p>\n

I get it on some levels. They don\u2019t have time to accomodate special needs kids who don\u2019t come with special needs support.\u00a0On another level, though, it\u2019s frustrating. I lose either way.<\/p>\n

If I don\u2019t say he has TS, they\u2019re going to wonder why he\u2019s occasionally coughing or churping during \u201cHow Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?\u201d or adding individual neck rolls to \u201cDoe a Deer.”<\/p>\n

If I inform them of his condition, though, and he does something very Stink like \u2013 very\u00a0sneaky and appropriate for any average NT 9 year old\u00a0 \u2013 he\u2019s automatically singled out as \u201cThe Tourettes Kid.\u201d<\/p>\n

Forget that racket! I spoke to my hubby and we\u2019re\u00a0enrolling our kids in the YMCA this summer. I don\u2019t have the energy for this crap. Once he gets his tics dialed and we\u2019re off this study, I\u2019ll go back to fighting …<\/p>\n

For now, I want to enjoy my summer, tics and all.<\/p>\n

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