{"id":870,"date":"2012-05-18T14:39:45","date_gmt":"2012-05-18T18:39:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=870"},"modified":"2012-05-18T14:39:45","modified_gmt":"2012-05-18T18:39:45","slug":"if-you-havent-signed-the-tourette-syndrome-petition-do-it-now","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/if-you-havent-signed-the-tourette-syndrome-petition-do-it-now\/","title":{"rendered":"If you haven’t signed the Tourette Syndrome petition … DO IT NOW!"},"content":{"rendered":"

There are two ways you can help your child be amazing despite a few tics and twitches (or even major ones):<\/p>\n

  1. Concentrate on their gifts, not their weaknesses! Be funny! Laugh! Fake it til you make it! (Lots of exclamations here! It really works!)<\/li>\n
  2. Sign\u00a0this petition<\/a><\/strong>\u00a0to get more education and research out there to understand Tourette Syndrome. This will also help educate the public. Did you know that 1 out of 100 people are affected by TS? That\u2019s a lot. Moms and Dads reading this blog, you have to know that\u00a0you are not alone<\/em>.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    In closing, I\u2019m off to UCLA today\u00a0for our weekly drug study check-up.\u00a0I\u2019m quite certain that this will be the one hour in\u00a0an entire week where my kid isn\u2019t ticking 40 times a minute. Why will he not tic for the\u00a0famous Dr. McCracken? Because life seems to work out like that sometimes, which is fine — one more thing to laugh\u00a0about later. If not, I\u2019ll cry. And\u00a0really, who needs that? Isn\u2019t it so much better to not take ourselves so seriously?<\/p>\n

    PS:\u00a0Sign that petition! Please<\/strong>! (I\u2019ll even\u00a0run a small contest.\u00a0I\u2019ll pick one name from the list of people who leave a comment here saying they\u2019ve signed the petition. YOU, dear winner, will get a personally mailed note from me with a trinket from UCLA. Go go go!)<\/p>\n

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