{"id":85,"date":"2011-11-17T13:00:55","date_gmt":"2011-11-17T18:00:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=85"},"modified":"2011-11-17T13:00:55","modified_gmt":"2011-11-17T18:00:55","slug":"infant-behavior-before-tourette","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/infant-behavior-before-tourette\/","title":{"rendered":"Infant behavior before Tourette"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hi all. \u00a0I was wondering if your child had any “strange” infant \/toddler behavior? \u00a0My son with TS was a C-section baby (my daughter was a C-section as well and has no symptoms) and a screamer. I say “colicky” but the doctor never labeled him with colic. Also, he spit up a lot — even from soy, so I went back to regular formula.<\/p>\n

I tried alternating breast feeding with formula for two weeks, but had to stop since I spent most of my day not eating because I was pacing the floor as he slept — no nutrition from mom.<\/p>\n

Even though he spit up a lot, he gained weight fine, so it really wasn’t an issue. \u00a0My son ALWAYS wanted to be held but I had to stand. \u00a0If I sat, he’d wake up screaming. \u00a0(How the heck did he know I sat?) \u00a0Fortunately for me, he did NOT want to lay in bed with us, or he’d probably still be there. :)<\/p>\n

Yes, after the three-month mark the screaming was better. \u00a0He still spit up until a little after 14 months and a couple months after switching to milk. \u00a0He also put everything in his mouth for a really long time. \u00a0Toys, \u00a0paper, \u00a0leaves, \u00a0etc. \u00a0He was a pretty good eater back then.<\/p>\n

Now, almost 10, he’s quite picky and doesn’t eat cooked vegetables. \u00a0Only raw! \u00a0Well, I asked about infant\/toddler behavior, enough about now. \u00a0Thanks.<\/p>\n

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