{"id":804,"date":"2012-04-20T08:48:34","date_gmt":"2012-04-20T12:48:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=804"},"modified":"2012-04-20T08:48:34","modified_gmt":"2012-04-20T12:48:34","slug":"have-you-seen-what-the-teens-are-up-to","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/have-you-seen-what-the-teens-are-up-to\/","title":{"rendered":"Have you seen what the teens are up to?!"},"content":{"rendered":"

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you have a child or teenager with Tourette Syndrome. But did you know that there is a blog just for teens for TS? There is! It’s called Teens4TS<\/a><\/strong>, and right now, we have teenagers from all over the world discussing their lives with Tourette on it!<\/p>\n

Exciting things are happening over at TS, from a video log (or “vlog” chain) that originated on Facebook<\/a><\/strong>, to the “Great Wall of Tics”<\/a><\/strong> that also can be found here<\/a><\/strong> on this blog, to National Youth Ambassadors<\/a><\/strong> taking their Tourette stories all the way to Washington to help spread advocacy for the disorder that affects as many as 1 in 100 kids.<\/p>\n

We at TSParentsOnline encourage you to check out what the teens at Teens4TS are doing, as well as encourage your teen — if you have one or know one — to jump online and join the community there either as a reader or blogger. They won’t regret it. They might even learn something new about themselves and the wonderful lives which they lead.<\/p>\n

So head on over to Teens4TS<\/a><\/strong> today and spread the word. That’s what advocacy for TS is all about!<\/p>\n

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