{"id":607,"date":"2012-02-09T09:00:50","date_gmt":"2012-02-09T14:00:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=607"},"modified":"2012-02-09T09:00:50","modified_gmt":"2012-02-09T14:00:50","slug":"emilys-tic-is-perfect-for-educating-kids-about-tourette-syndrome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/emilys-tic-is-perfect-for-educating-kids-about-tourette-syndrome\/","title":{"rendered":"“Emily’s Tic” is perfect for educating kids about Tourette Syndrome"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"<\/a>My daughter has published a children\u2019s book called \u201cEmily\u2019s Tic\u201d about Tourette Syndrome, and I could not be more proud of her. I’d like to tell you a little bit about the book and how you can obtain it, as it is perfect for teaching young children about TS.<\/p>\n

Emily decided to write the book based on her own story. She was diagnosed with TS when she was 6 and didn’t really begin talking about it until two years ago. It took her a while to accept that she had Tourette, but once she did, she could not be stopped! Advocacy was the name of the game for her, and she wanted everyone to know about TS.<\/p>\n

As she has grown throughout high school — she is now a junior — Emily has spoken at schools about TS and advocated a strong anti-bullying message. All of that comes across in the book, which is adorable, self-illustrated and gets across all the facts about Tourette.<\/p>\n

A paperback copy is available on\u00a0amazon.com<\/a><\/strong>\u00a0for $9.13 OR if you have a Nook, Kindle, iPad, or iPhone you can download the book for just\u00a099 cents! \u00a0Here\u2019s what you do if you have an iPad\/iPhone: Download the FREE Kindle app. Then go to amazon.com via that device and purchase Emily\u2019s Tic. It will immediately download to Kindle. On Nook or Kindle devices, simply search \u201cEmily\u2019s Tic\u201d by its authors, Emily and Florence Fleischman<\/p>\n

It would be so great it if you could purchase or download the book — not for Emily, but for all of the kids out there who need to know more about what it means to have Tourette Syndrome or what it means to understand someone who has it. It also makes a perfect gift for elementary school teachers to read to their students! Thank you!<\/p>\n

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