{"id":4872,"date":"2018-04-19T16:12:02","date_gmt":"2018-04-19T16:12:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=4872"},"modified":"2018-04-19T20:07:47","modified_gmt":"2018-04-19T20:07:47","slug":"family-retreat-a-parents-perspective","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/family-retreat-a-parents-perspective\/","title":{"rendered":"Family Retreat – A Parent’s Perspective"},"content":{"rendered":"

About 6 years ago, a few months after our son was diagnosed with TS, we learned about the NJCTS Family Retreat (Camp Bernie).\u00a0 It sounded like fun but we did not know what to expect.\u00a0 We are not much of an outdoors family, especially when it comes to camping.\u00a0 So we were a little unsure of whether we wanted to attend and what to expect.<\/p>\n

We are so glad we decided to try it.\u00a0 For us it really did turn out to be the best weekend of the year, and we have gone back every year since then.\u00a0 It would have been a huge mistake if we did not give it a try so we thought it best to share our experiences with others who may also be debating whether they want to go.\u00a0\u00a0 And we wanted to answer some of the same questions that we had that first year when deciding if we wanted to go.<\/p>\n

The best way to describe why we enjoyed camp is to detail the benefits for each member of our family:<\/p>\n