{"id":4797,"date":"2016-12-01T13:58:22","date_gmt":"2016-12-01T13:58:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=4797"},"modified":"2016-12-01T14:40:02","modified_gmt":"2016-12-01T14:40:02","slug":"worry-free-living-month","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/worry-free-living-month\/","title":{"rendered":"Worry Free Living Month"},"content":{"rendered":"

In the blink of an eye, the holidays are here again.\u00a0 The excitement and anticipation this time of year can be particularly challenging for children with special needs and naturally, their parents.\u00a0 Children are faced with so much stimulation, impulses are difficult to suppress, schools are closed and schedule changes throw everyone off.\u00a0 I could go on\u2026\u00a0 But what if you could put down (or cut in half) your anxiety and worry about what will be this holiday season?\u00a0 What would that make possible?\u00a0 What does it look like in your mind\u2019s eye to have the holidays go a different? I invite you to consider.<\/p>\n

I have declared the next 30 days \u201cWorry Free Living Month\u201d.\u00a0 In fact, I have even enrolled my daughter in the practice.\u00a0 You see, I struggle with anxiety.\u00a0 Always have.\u00a0 I\u2019m a natural worrier and the older I get, the more practice I have with it.\u00a0 I\u2019m an A+ student at this point.\u00a0 Here\u2019s the thing though, 85% of what we worry about never happens.<\/a>\u00a0 And even when it does, it\u2019s typically not nearly as difficult to handle as we think it will be.\u00a0 So, I\u2019m basically wasting a whole lot of time and energy worrying with little return on my investment.\u00a0 Actually, it has cost me more than I\u2019d like to admit over the years: time, energy, money, relationships, inner peace, health, connection, productivity, gratitude, happiness.<\/p>\n

Through my Coach Training Program and now as a Mentor Coach with Accomplishment Coaching, my worrying has been a frequent topic of conversation with the program facilitators, my coach and my coaching colleagues.\u00a0 I\u2019ve never been proud of it but until now I was unable to grasp how insidious it has become in my life.\u00a0 After a year and half of growth as a practicing coach, I am committed to taking on this shadowy part of me in service of my clients, my children, my husband and myself.\u00a0 I am committed to creating a holiday season where we can just be together as a family, being with what is and what is not.\u00a0 Energy once spent trying to change, control and manage will be channeled towards gratitude, appreciation and being in the present moment.\u00a0 The thing is that there\u2019s an urgency for me to tackle this.\u00a0 Having two children with their own anxiety, I am crystal clear that staying in my cycle of worry send the clear message to my children that this is THE way to \u201cdo\u201d life. \u00a0They must feel, see, hear and experience something different so that they see that they get to choose how it will go for them.<\/p>\n

Do you see something available for yourself in dropping the worry?\u00a0 I welcome you to take the trip alongside me.\u00a0 So that I can support you, please post your declaration in the comments section!<\/p>\n

You may be thinking this all sounds great but it will never work for you.\u00a0 Or, it sounds great but you can\u2019t figure out how to make the change.\u00a0 While there is absolutely no \u201cright\u201d way to go about making this shift, here are the steps I\u2019ve carved out for myself.\u00a0 You get to decide your path as the ultimate expert in your own life.<\/p>\n

  1. Worrying is a bad habit. And, like any other habit, forming a new one requires gaining clarity on the purpose letting go of the worry<\/strong>.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n