{"id":4710,"date":"2016-02-04T12:16:51","date_gmt":"2016-02-04T17:16:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=4710"},"modified":"2016-02-04T12:16:51","modified_gmt":"2016-02-04T17:16:51","slug":"mothers-tell-stories","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/mothers-tell-stories\/","title":{"rendered":"Mothers Tell Stories…"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"here-comes-the-dom\"And so here\u2019s mine. It seems as if the moment my kid hit 13 the teens hit full force. The defiance, the arguing, the overall surliness.<\/p>\n

And, well, if I\u2019m being honest, I thought it was going to be one of those deals where my kid, while still\u00a0totally socially appropriate, would still find me amazing and cool and, despite being busy with friends and outings and Boy Scouts, would want to jump in the car the moment I say, \u201cHey, who wants to the grocery store and crash the free sample table!\u201d<\/p>\n

Every single little dream there? Lost. We\u2019re not talking by a little. We\u2019re talking epic defeat. For one thing, my kid is far from winning any social awards at school. Oh, he has a bunch of friends, but they\u2019re kind of like him\u2026 a bit on the wacky side\u2026 a little bit clueless on the when girls like them side. (Yes, Stink, if she remembered to call you on your birthday, buy you a gift, buy you a Christmas gift and ask you to teen night, there just might be some interest.<\/em>) Boy Scouts<\/del> He doesn\u2019t do uniforms.<\/p>\n

Stink and his friends are like oversized male children with skinny legs, crazy fros and a scent that can only be described as a cross between testosterone\u00a0and Axe.<\/p>\n

The difference between him and his other friends, however, is that I can\u2019t make out\u00a0their<\/em> duck quacks from across a crowded parking lot. When they roll their eyes, I know it\u2019s because they are being sassy and not because Mr. Flappy Lid has made his appearance again. When his buddies nod, it\u2019s to mean \u201cyes\u201d or \u201cno\u201d, and not the head jerk prodigal son making his triumphant return. (No, I\u2019m not having a banquet for these returning relatives. But if I did, you could bet it would be gluten and dairy free.)<\/p>\n

Stink\u2019s tics \u2013 the loud ones \u2013 are back. And this time, they are stronger than before. (Gosh darnit, Taurine, you let me down again. You\u2019re like that bad boyfriend. Just when I think I can trust you, you leave my sorry butt in a heap of despair!)<\/p>\n

Here\u2019s the thing, though: my kid, like his eyes, just roll. He doesn\u2019t see them as a problem. They don\u2019t make him different or geeky or less than. It\u2019s simply something he does, not who he is.<\/p>\n

In my brain, this should be enough. But in my heart, I still die a little bit. As a mother of a kid with this wonky disability, I fight so many demons:<\/p>\n