{"id":461,"date":"2012-01-23T17:49:19","date_gmt":"2012-01-23T22:49:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=461"},"modified":"2012-01-23T17:49:19","modified_gmt":"2012-01-23T22:49:19","slug":"10-ways-you-can-help-the-tourette-syndrome-movement","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/10-ways-you-can-help-the-tourette-syndrome-movement\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Ways You Can Help The Tourette Syndrome Movement"},"content":{"rendered":"

Over the past two weeks, the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada<\/a><\/strong> has been doing a Top 10 New Year’s Resolution lists of ways their communities north of the border can help spread advocacy, awareness and education about TS.<\/p>\n

We at TSParentsOnline love this idea and want to share all 10 of these blog entries with you. Please note that many of the ideas listed in these entries can be applied to the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders<\/a><\/strong> (NJCTS), which birthed this blog and helps tens of thousands of people with Tourette in New Jersey every year.<\/p>\n

So sit back, relax, enjoy these good reads, and then perhaps think about how you might help NJCTS and the rest of the TS community today, such as taking part in Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day<\/a><\/strong>! You’ll be glad you did!<\/p>\n

  1. Show Your Support To The World<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  2. Join Others Online<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  3. Become A Member<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  4. Volunteer<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  5. Advocate For People With TS<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  6. Participate In Events<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  7. Educate Yourself<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  8. Educate Others<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  9. Donate\/Fundraise<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
  10. Say What’s On Your Mind<\/a><\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    For more on Tourette Syndrome resolutions, please check our TSParentsOnline’s post about New Year’s Resolutions<\/a><\/strong>. We still would love to hear from you!<\/p>\n

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