{"id":451,"date":"2012-01-18T13:19:43","date_gmt":"2012-01-18T18:19:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=451"},"modified":"2020-07-24T19:10:54","modified_gmt":"2020-07-24T19:10:54","slug":"links-between-food-adhd-and-tourettes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/links-between-food-adhd-and-tourettes\/","title":{"rendered":"The link between food, ADHD and Tourette’s"},"content":{"rendered":"

When my son was diagnosed with mild Tourette’s five years ago, one of the first things I did was concentrate on reducing tics. I didn’t want to travel down Medication Highway right away, so I set my sites on some more natural alternatives. The first thing I concentrated on was food.<\/p>\n

It made sense to me, after a lot of reading, that what goes into the body comes out of the body. With the encouragment of ACN<\/a><\/strong>\u00a0and a great book by Sheila Rogers<\/strong>,<\/a> I began eliminating anything\u00a0artificial from Stink’s diet. Out with the food dye and preservatives.<\/p>\n

I took him to a holistic doctor and had him tested for food allergies<\/a><\/strong>. Out with the dairy and the gluten! With a new diet in place, this meant in with the fruit, veggies and healthy proteins.<\/p>\n

While Stink’s tics were not eliminated 100 percent, they did subside quite a bit. Other issues began popping up, though, most significantly his inattention. It wasn’t until recently that I began wondering if the “healthy” fruits and veggies I was serving was actually contributing to his ADD.<\/p>\n

According to many studies out, which you can find here<\/a><\/strong>, proof is beginning to emerge that the pesticides used to preserve fruit and vegetables is actually changing our childrens’ brain chemistry, contributing significantly to ADHD, ADD and other childhood disorders.<\/p>\n

Armed with this new information, I’m reconsidering the food we eat once again. While shopping organic can be expensive, there’s other ways to save and still eat well. Perhaps we’ll eat less meat and consume more beans. I can go without my Starbuck’s coffee one day\/week. I can cook from scratch more and really concentrate on sales.<\/p>\n

Bottom line: I’m willing to take a closer look at just how much I can support Stink’s growing body through the best food out there. It can only help my younger daughter also who is neurotypical. As for me, I can use all the energy I can get. I hope to go back to work, soon and if I’m going to be sitting in a cube, I don’t need to be twitching from my strawberries.<\/p>\n

What are your thoughts on the links between food and ADHD\/TS?<\/p>\n

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