{"id":4102,"date":"2014-12-29T14:16:33","date_gmt":"2014-12-29T19:16:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=4102"},"modified":"2014-12-29T14:16:33","modified_gmt":"2014-12-29T19:16:33","slug":"understanding-depression-in-children","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/understanding-depression-in-children\/","title":{"rendered":"Understanding depression in children"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"<\/a>As a child or teen, did it bother you when people would comment \u201cthese are the best years of your life\u201d?<\/p>\n

For many children, this blanket statement is a stark contradiction from the reality they know. A bulk of people experience a childhood or adolescence that is not always filled with rosy or positive experiences.<\/p>\n

Once considered impossible, today\u2019s experts are aware that even young children sometimes suffer from depression. As a parent, it\u2019s hard to acknowledge that your child might be suffering from this ailment. If you feel that a child is suffering from depression it\u2019s important to understand the facts, signs, symptoms, and pointers to help a child cope.<\/p>\n

Childhood Depression<\/strong><\/p>\n

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry now estimates that typically one in 20 children or teens are depressed. This is shocking when you consider that within every classroom is a high probability that at least one child in attendance is suffering from depression.<\/p>\n

Depression is a real medical condition and should be treated accordingly. Many parents feel there is a stigma attached to a child if it is suspected that she suffers from depression. Unfortunately, this is an illness that they can\u2019t just \u201csnap out of\u201d and requires attention.<\/p>\n

“Depression is no more a result of ‘bad parenting’ than is diabetes or cancer,” says Dr. David Fassler<\/strong><\/a>, co-author of “Help Me, I’m Sad”: Recognizing, Treating and Preventing Childhood and Adolescent Depression. “All are real illnesses that require careful evaluation. The good news is that we can help most children and adolescents.”<\/p>\n

Causes of Depression In Children And Adolescents<\/strong><\/p>\n

Understanding what causes depression in children is a great first step. Researchers believe there are multiple factors linked to causing depression in children<\/strong><\/a>:<\/p>\n