{"id":3754,"date":"2014-07-15T16:31:27","date_gmt":"2014-07-15T20:31:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=3754"},"modified":"2014-07-15T16:31:27","modified_gmt":"2014-07-15T20:31:27","slug":"52-weeks-of-ts-week-10","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/52-weeks-of-ts-week-10\/","title":{"rendered":"52 Weeks of TS: Week 10"},"content":{"rendered":"

EDITOR\u2019S NOTE: Each Tuesday, noted Tourette Syndrome advocate Troye Evers will share his \u201c52 Weeks of TS\u201d blog journal with the TSParentsOnline community. In cased you missed the first 9 weeks, you can\u00a0read them here<\/strong><\/a>. For more information about Troye, please click on his name or visit his\u00a0website<\/strong><\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n

It’s Sunday morning, 9:30, oops I guess it’s 10:30 with daylight savings time.\u00a0 Now I have to go around my house and change all the clocks, but I\u2019m putting it off.\u00a0 At least I\u2019m going to try, but it will annoy me until they are all the right time.\u00a0 I\u2019m very tired and in pain, it was a rough night.\u00a0 My husband and I got home last night around 10:00 pm.<\/p>\n

The first thing I do when I get home is go into my bedroom and say \u201chi\u201d to my kitties, my loves. I walked into my bedroom and found one of the cats on the floor playing with something, which is not unusual.\u00a0 I figured it was a piece of one of my plants that dried up and fell off.\u00a0 I started to bend down to say hi, and take the leaf from her.\u00a0 IT WAS NOT A LEAF!!<\/p>\n

I stood up, froze and screamed for my husband as the cat batted around a still live but injured mouse the size of a quarter.\u00a0 He was so small and yes, somewhat cute, but are you serious?!\u00a0 I clean, and clean my house, I have three cats, and there should be no reason that there is a mouse in my house.\u00a0 I know it came from my downstairs neighbor, but it is in my house now, in my cat\u2019s mouth.\u00a0 She continued playing with it, until she let it go and it ran under the TV stand.<\/p>\n

The cats continued stalking the mouse in the bedroom.\u00a0 Instead of going to sleep, I went into the living room to try to watch TV and relax.\u00a0 It was too late to relax, my anxiety level is through the roof and all my tics were here to say hello.\u00a0 For the next two hours, I had my husband check to see if they caught it or not, while I flung my neck around and bashed my elbow into my ribs.<\/p>\n

My husband kept saying, \u201cRelax, it\u2019s only a mouse.\u201d\u00a0 Yeah, I know that, I\u2019m not an idiot.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s not that I\u2019m afraid of some small little mouse, as I said it was somewhat cute.\u00a0 The fact is, do you know how many germs and diseases mice have?\u00a0 It is being tossed around my bedroom like a cat toy, and in the cat\u2019s paws and mouths.\u00a0 In my mind, the only solution is to move, lol.<\/p>\n

After my ribs started hurting from bashing them with my elbow, and seconds away from giving myself whiplash, I took a Klonopin.\u00a0 It didn\u2019t help that much, I just wanted to go to bed, but was afraid that the cats were going to leave a present in my bed.\u00a0 One of the cats soon came out and wanted attention. HELL NO!\u00a0 Get away from me with your germ infested mouth and paws.<\/p>\n

By this point, I really had to use the bathroom, and go to bed. \u00a0I sent my husband in one more time to check.\u00a0 I told him to check the bed and make sure there were no gifts left for us. He went into the bedroom, he was in there for a few minutes, which had me concerned.\u00a0 What was he doing?\u00a0 I started to creep down the hallway to see the door was closed.\u00a0 He came out, and said, \u201cYou don\u2019t want to go in there\u201d.\u00a0 Oh god, now what?<\/p>\n

He walked into the bathroom, then back into the bedroom, and came out with a crumpled up tissue.\u00a0 He flushed the tissue and looked at me.\u00a0 \u201cAll good, the mouse is gone.\u201d\u00a0 NOOOOOO!\u00a0 I had to go pee, there is no way I\u2019m peeing in the mouse toilet.\u00a0 I finally did make it to bed, but I have not touched the toilet, my cats or my husband, and now my side and neck are tight and sore..\u00a0 What a night!<\/p>\n

Besides that, this week was a pretty normal week, a tic tic here, a tic tic there, everywhere a tic tic.\u00a0 Seriously, it was a good week.\u00a0 Spring is on its way with its beautiful weather.\u00a0 One day this week, the temperature reached the high sixties and sunny.\u00a0 I love when we can put the big coats away and walk around in a t-shirt, feeling the air and sun on your skin, but that\u2019s all I want to feel on my skin.<\/p>\n

New York City is home to over 8 million people who don\u2019t like to watch where they are going, just bump, and rub up against you.\u00a0 I\u2019m not one of those New Yorkers who is worried about being mugged and carries around a bottle of mace.\u00a0 I carry around a mini bottle of Lysol, and believe me, if it were acceptable, I would spray all 8 million people.<\/p>\n

I do love spring, but I have noticed something.\u00a0 As soon as the jacket comes off, I feel much more on display.\u00a0 It\u2019s almost as if my coat was my shield, and without it, people can really see my shoulder tics.\u00a0 I am constantly walking around looking at people to see if they\u2019re looking at me.<\/p>\n

Even though I don\u2019t really see people looking, I still feel the heavy stares and pointing. Why do I let it get to me? I don\u2019t know.\u00a0 In all actuality I have brought on many of the stares myself, I\u2019m basically covered in tattoos and giving people reason to stare.<\/p>\n

I have spent so many years trying to stay under the radar with my TS, but I have covered myself with tattoos, giving people reason to look at me.\u00a0 Was this a subconscious thing that I did to say here I am, look at me?\u00a0 Look at me, look at my tics, and see me for who I am.\u00a0 I don\u2019t know, but guess what, here I am, watch me tic.<\/p>\n

I guess this week, I am going to gather the strength to love my kitties.\u00a0 Hey, they did do their job, but how do I teach them to finish the job before I get home? Lol. Hope you have a great week, until next week, \u201cI\u2019ll tic to you later.\u201d<\/p>\n

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