{"id":3613,"date":"2014-05-19T07:30:08","date_gmt":"2014-05-19T11:30:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=3613"},"modified":"2014-05-19T07:30:08","modified_gmt":"2014-05-19T11:30:08","slug":"medication-or-mediocre","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/medication-or-mediocre\/","title":{"rendered":"Medication or mediocre?"},"content":{"rendered":"

My daughter spent close to a month in the psychiatric unit at the IWK as to better diagnose her anxiety. After seven long years dealing with this debilitating aversion, the doctors there prescribed her the medicine that changed her life for the better.<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, along with positive outcomes with anxiety, depression reared it’s ugly head. I am not completely convinced if the depression is that which doctors were concerned would develop during her teen years or if it is some form of premenstrual dysmorphic disorder.<\/p>\n

To better help my child I called our family doctor,\u00a0expecting to make an appointment to\u00a0discuss the matter. I spoke with the receptionist who asked me to explain my reason for calling. After doing so\u00a0she answered that there were no openings at this time, and that my best bet was to ask a pharmacist for some homoeopathic remedies to the problem. What?<\/p>\n

A few days later I did just that. I felt silly asking the question\u00a0and the pharmacist appeared dumbfounded. I explained what my family doctor’s receptionist had told me to do. The pharmacist told me that homoeopathic remedies were basically for period symptoms such as cramping and bloating… Now what?<\/p>\n

Refusing to let my daughter’s depression go unattended, I eventually spoke with a child psychiatrist who gave me the “ins and outs” of childhood depression and the capabilities of diagnosing\u00a0the reasons and severity\u00a0of it. OK, that matter is settled, but what about that of the physician’s office?<\/p>\n

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