{"id":3474,"date":"2014-03-12T11:24:10","date_gmt":"2014-03-12T15:24:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=3474"},"modified":"2014-03-12T11:24:10","modified_gmt":"2014-03-12T15:24:10","slug":"the-great-canadian-grid","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/the-great-canadian-grid\/","title":{"rendered":"The Great Canadian Grid"},"content":{"rendered":"

This blog entry is written by Roddie MacDougall and\u00a0originally appeared on an online forum about Tourette Syndrome. You can join the official TSFC Forum by\u00a0clicking here<\/a><\/strong>.<\/em><\/p>\n

Hello everyone. I\u2019m a longtime TSFC member from way back. My name is Roddie MacDougall. Some just call me Rod. I am 46 and have been living with TS well\u2026 forever! \u00a0I would like to share with you what I\u2019ve accomplished.\u00a0 Because a lot of us with TS, including me, find ourselves isolated, afraid to meet others because of twitching, I decided to learn more about how to meet others without feeling isolated. At first it started as social media, but it\u2019s become much more than that.<\/p>\n

I am the developer and creator of a virtual world grid called\u00a0The Great Canadian Grid<\/a><\/strong>\u00a0for Canadians where people can come and be themselves, either as an avatar or a person or whoever they want to be\u2014without feeling embarrassed\u2014and meet others from Canada and around the world.<\/p>\n

Currently I host the\u00a0only<\/em>\u00a0Canadian virtual world\u00a0open simulator\u00a0grid, and I\u2019d like others to see it. In the last five years of developing the grid I\u2019ve discovered that it\u2019s a great way to meet others without feeling isolated. I run the entire process myself with help from my global team and as of now I\u2019m getting a license to allow streaming music and hosting for DJing inside the game.<\/p>\n

Take care and hope to see you \u2018in the world\u2019 sometime!<\/p>\n

Learn more at\u00a0www.greatcanadiangrid.ca<\/a><\/strong>.<\/p>\n

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