{"id":300,"date":"2011-12-14T10:00:28","date_gmt":"2011-12-14T15:00:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=300"},"modified":"2011-12-14T10:00:28","modified_gmt":"2011-12-14T15:00:28","slug":"finding-the-right-balance-with-school-can-be-stressful","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/finding-the-right-balance-with-school-can-be-stressful\/","title":{"rendered":"Finding the right balance with school can be stressful"},"content":{"rendered":"

My son, who is in seventh grade, is really starting to feel the pressures of school. He has projects in almost every class. He, like most TS kids, is very smart and has all honors classes. I thought that was a good thing, but now I’m not so sure. How do you find the happy medium of challenging them without too much pressure as opposed to being bored because it’s too easy?<\/p>\n

He was very uptight and grouchy this weekend. He just wanted to stay home and play computer games. But we had already bought tickets to go to a band concert at the local high school (his request). We went, but he really didn’t want to. It ended up being longer than we expected.<\/p>\n

I could tell he was struggling. He put his head on my shoulder and I could feel him ticcing. It broke my heart. It’s so hard, as a parent, not being able to make it all better. Fortunately, the Christmas break is coming up soon. I hope he can relax and recharge then.<\/p>\n

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