{"id":249,"date":"2011-12-08T11:51:59","date_gmt":"2011-12-08T16:51:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=249"},"modified":"2011-12-08T11:51:59","modified_gmt":"2011-12-08T16:51:59","slug":"top-10-tourette-syndrome-myths","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/top-10-tourette-syndrome-myths\/","title":{"rendered":"Top 10 Tourette Syndrome Myths"},"content":{"rendered":"

Shelby Crockett has been a paralegal for nine years and owns the site\u00a0How to Become a Paralegal<\/a><\/strong>. Her site helps students find the right paralegal school.<\/em><\/p>\n

<\/em>Those who have Tourette Syndrome are likely to encounter loads of misinformation and those who don\u2019t understand the disease on a regular basis.\u00a0 What Tourette Syndrome is and is not can be as confusing for both those who live with it as those who do not.\u00a0 To help paint a clearer picture, we have gathered a few myths surrounding TS.<\/p>\n

  1. \"\"<\/a>More swearing \u2013<\/strong> It is a common myth that those with TS swear often and uncontrollably.\u00a0 In reality, only a small percentage of those with Tourette\u2019s Syndrome have obscenity specific outbursts.\u00a0 In fact, there is a special name for it: coprolalia.<\/li>\n
  2. They are mentally challenged \u2013<\/strong> Tourette Syndrome is not like Down’s Syndrome or cerebral palsy.\u00a0 It is a neurological disorder that is characterized by involuntary movement and speech tics.<\/li>\n
  3. It is extremely rare \u2013<\/strong> It is estimated that every 1 in 100 children suffers from Tourette Syndrome, a higher number than those with autism.\u00a0 Most of them go undiagnosed and misunderstood.<\/li>\n
  4. Tourette Syndrome can be managed with concentration \u2013<\/strong> Because TS stems from a chemical imbalance in the brain, there is no voluntary aspect to it whatsoever.\u00a0 No matter how hard someone with TS concentrates, tics can still come.<\/li>\n
  5. Only caucasians can get Tourette Syndrome \u2013<\/strong> As with most diseases and disorders, anyone from any race is capable of being born with TS.<\/li>\n
  6. TS is debilitating \u2013<\/strong> Most people with Tourette Syndrome can go on to lead rich, fulfilling lives and take part in just about any activity as anyone else, especially if they are cared for properly.<\/li>\n
  7. Tourette Syndrome stems from psychological trauma \u2013<\/strong> This was the prevailing thought when TS first began to get diagnosed about a century ago.\u00a0 Now, sophisticated imaging technology shows us that it is a neurological disorder.<\/li>\n
  8. Those with TS can\u2019t do jobs with fine motor functions \u2013<\/strong> Another false truth, famous Canadian surgeon Dr. Matt Doran was able to do complex procedures even though he had Tourette Syndrome.<\/li>\n
  9. They can\u2019t be athletes \u2013<\/strong> How far can someone with the involuntary tics associated with TS go in the sports world?\u00a0 For Jim Eisenreich, all the way to the World Series of Major League Baseball in 1997.<\/li>\n
  10. It gets worse as you get older \u2013<\/strong> While some neurological disorders get worse with age, it is not generally so with Tourette Syndrome.\u00a0 In fact, many who suffer from it go through the worst during adolescence and can even outgrow their tics in adulthood.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n
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