{"id":1944,"date":"2013-02-07T10:00:32","date_gmt":"2013-02-07T15:00:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1944"},"modified":"2013-02-07T10:00:32","modified_gmt":"2013-02-07T15:00:32","slug":"100-pictures-for-tourette-syndrome-awareness","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/100-pictures-for-tourette-syndrome-awareness\/","title":{"rendered":"100 pictures for Tourette Syndrome awareness"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hey everyone! We need your help to spread Tourette Syndrome awareness through a new project that is the brainchild of RuthieP from the A Little Bit Different: Tourette Syndrome<\/strong><\/a> page on Facebook.<\/p>\n

Here’s what we would like you to do! Take a picture of yourself, your child or anyone else in your life that has TS holding a sheet of paper (or if you want to get more creative, you can really write this on anything — cardboard cut out, construction paper, etc.) with a message on it to support and spread TS awareness. In order to be part of this project, your message will look something like this:<\/p>\n

“My name is ______
\nI have Tourette’s Syndrome
\nI want you to know …… followed by your own short message about TS of your choice, probably a sentence or two saying something that you would like others to know about Tourette.
\nPlease like and share my picture if you support me!
\nTourette Syndrome Awareness Matters!”<\/p>\n

You can get as creative with this picture as you would like, or it could just be a really simple picture as well. Try to aim for high-quality pictures and make sure you can see all of the message that was written out on the paper!<\/p>\n

Also, if you do not have TS personally but know someone who does and want to spread awareness, you can also be a part of this project! Just take a picture of yourself holding a similar message but instead of writing that you have TS say something like “I am the friend of a child with Tourette.” or “My brother has Tourette,” etc.<\/p>\n

Then post it in one of three places:<\/p>\n