{"id":1809,"date":"2013-01-17T07:30:49","date_gmt":"2013-01-17T12:30:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1809"},"modified":"2013-01-17T07:30:49","modified_gmt":"2013-01-17T12:30:49","slug":"a-work-in-progress","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/a-work-in-progress\/","title":{"rendered":"A work in progress"},"content":{"rendered":"

Part of my New Year’s Resolution is that I am not going to be such a pushover in regards to the boy. Sometimes, it is easier to give in to him, and it is such a fine line to pull him past his comfort zone. I have been steadfast in making him toilet independently (giving exception only to illness related needs).<\/p>\n

Let me tell you, this has not been easy. He screams, threatens, stomps, protests… you name it. But, on Sunday evening, he did it alone — under duress, but alone. I am so proud of him and myself. What are you working on right now for yourself or your children?<\/p>\n

And how do your children feel about living with Tourette Syndrome? My boy is confident in conversation but suppresses tics while in public. I don’t know if he realizes he is holding them in. But I am very proud of the way he talks about himself, though. He seems to have a depth of self-acceptance most people don’t achieve until adulthood!<\/p>\n

Read more from me on my Momma Has Monsters<\/strong><\/a> Facebook page!<\/em><\/p>\n

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