{"id":1734,"date":"2013-01-03T07:30:48","date_gmt":"2013-01-03T12:30:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1734"},"modified":"2013-01-03T07:30:48","modified_gmt":"2013-01-03T12:30:48","slug":"poetry-about-being-true-to-yourself","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/poetry-about-being-true-to-yourself\/","title":{"rendered":"Poetry about being true to yourself"},"content":{"rendered":"

She is beautiful and awesome,
\nalong with all souls,
\nyet she is doubtful and self-conscious
\nfrom the what she\u2019s been told.<\/p>\n

The kids on the bus,
\nand the kids in her class
\nrecount all her faults,
\nright down to the last.<\/p>\n

Only skinny girls are shown in
\nfashion mags and books.
\nThese girls are all pasty
\nwith blank stuffy looks.<\/p>\n

Work must be done
\nto look like these girls.
\n10 lbs she must lose and
\nI must cut off her curls.<\/p>\n

Be who you are,
\nLook like you do.
\nKnow who you are,
\nand stay that way too.<\/p>\n

We were not processed and assembled
\non any conveyer or line.
\nWe were created by God,
\nand HIS creations are sublime!<\/p>\n


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