{"id":1658,"date":"2012-12-12T13:00:09","date_gmt":"2012-12-12T18:00:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1658"},"modified":"2012-12-12T13:00:09","modified_gmt":"2012-12-12T18:00:09","slug":"a-personal-account-of-living-with-tourette-syndrome-associated-disorders-part-1-early-life","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/a-personal-account-of-living-with-tourette-syndrome-associated-disorders-part-1-early-life\/","title":{"rendered":"A personal account of living with Tourette Syndrome & associated disorders, part 1: Early life"},"content":{"rendered":"

I hope the essay that follows about my experience dealing with Tourette Syndrome serves to help the individuals suffering from the disorder and their parents. I\u2019ve made the essay as detailed as possible while at the same time not making it too long to read.<\/p>\n

I’m a male in his early 50s, who for virtually all of his life has had several motor and vocal tics. I basically lived with these tics not knowing where they stemmed from. The primary motor tics are: eyebrow raising and squinting, shoulder shrugging and torso moving. The primary vocal tics are: stammering (at times severe), rapid speech, altered (higher) speech volume, word emphasizing and the repetition of words or phrases.<\/p>\n

The motor tics have caused peer rejection at times (especially during my younger years). The vocal tics, however, I’ve found to be most debilitating to my social life and career because of not being able to communicate effectively; many times not being able to communicate at all because of severe stammering (causing me to freeze-up when trying to speak as if experiencing speech paralysis).<\/p>\n

If you can\u2019t communicate, there is no point in how much you know because you can\u2019t express it properly to anyone.<\/p>\n

In social and business settings, you fall short because you can\u2019t express yourself properly without feeling humiliated, so you avoid speaking as much as possible. (If I had a nickel for every time I decided against speaking because I knew I would severely stammer, today I would have a really big box filled with nickels).<\/p>\n

In addition, I also suffer from some of the disorders often associated with Tourette Syndrome, and they are as follows:<\/p>\n