{"id":1464,"date":"2012-10-18T12:32:47","date_gmt":"2012-10-18T16:32:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1464"},"modified":"2012-10-18T12:32:47","modified_gmt":"2012-10-18T16:32:47","slug":"everyone-should-try-supplements","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/everyone-should-try-supplements\/","title":{"rendered":"Everyone should try supplements"},"content":{"rendered":"


Above is what I give to Stink every morning. I am adding in some other nutrients I ordered by mail toward the end of the week. He\u2019s still taking his 2mg\/Intuniv for focus.<\/p>\n

So far, no changes. Lots of low verbals that interrupt his speech about every 20 words. My friends swear their kids don\u2019t notice. I have the best pals in the world.<\/p>\n

It will take about 1 week to see if the\u00a0supplements make a difference. But the difference my support system has made on me this week? 100 percent\u00a0improvement. (Get yourselves some supplemental good people in your life, pronto!)<\/p>\n

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