{"id":1283,"date":"2012-09-06T08:00:16","date_gmt":"2012-09-06T12:00:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1283"},"modified":"2012-09-06T08:00:16","modified_gmt":"2012-09-06T12:00:16","slug":"a-cure-for-tics-when-pigs-fly-or-sell-supposed-cure-alls","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/a-cure-for-tics-when-pigs-fly-or-sell-supposed-cure-alls\/","title":{"rendered":"A cure for tics? When pigs fly … or sell supposed cure-alls"},"content":{"rendered":"

I am steaming mad tonight, and it\u2019s not that\u00a0Stink\u2019s tics are pretty nonstop. Quite the contrary, I am really taking on my mantra: \u201cIf you can\u2019t fix the tics, fix yourself.\u201d I am exercising, relaxing, off the wine\u00a0 (in an attempt to drop 15 pounds) and just counting my blessings.<\/p>\n

I\u2019m mad about the response I received from an advertiser who will remain nameless. I will not reveal if this advertiser sold magic pills, e-books, supplements or therapies for tics. I will just say that they claim to\u00a0stop twitches and sounds\u00a0for a fee that\u2019s more than a cup of coffee but less than a pair of Lucky Jeans. (Evasive enough? Good. Let\u2019s continue.)<\/p>\n

The ad promises it will work 100 percent\u00a0and that their own kid suffered from tics and they can END! YOUR! KID\u2019S! TICS! ALSO! It\u2019s that easy! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!<\/p>\n

I wrote them and said I would do a review for them in exchange for a free product. I was upfront that I could not spend more $ on something that I wasn\u2019t sure worked. \u201cBut if it\u2019s all it claims to be,\u201d I wrote, \u201cThen I will shout it from the rooftops and spread the word throughout Happily Ticked Off<\/a><\/strong>, Facebook and the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome<\/a><\/strong>.\u201d<\/p>\n

I would run a contest to get him more traffic! It would be a win-win for my son, his wallet and nervous parents everywhere.<\/p>\n

I received a quick response where I was asked for my site stats. I sent him a copy of them. (Believe me \u2013 I\u2019m not exactly getting a million hits per day.) He wrote back 24 hours later with this response. What you see is unedited. The first paragraph is in relation to my question about tic elimination.<\/p>\n

His response<\/strong><\/p>\n

From my own experience and from feedback I get from people I would say the following numbers apply:<\/em><\/p>\n

50% total elimination \u2013 it can take anywhere from a week (! but these are rare cases) to 3-4 months<\/em><\/p>\n

30% significant reduction \u2013 and I mean noticeable and significant!<\/em><\/p>\n

20% no significant change. Although many people say the kids are less hyper and calmer. And happier.<\/em><\/p>\n

I think you would understand why i am hesitant to commit to your proposal\u2026<\/em><\/p>\n

Do I send you the eBook, wait for you 2-3 months and then unfortunately your case belongs to the 20% or even 30% and I get a nasty or no review?<\/em>
\nMy reputation could be damaged unfairly\u2026<\/em><\/p>\n

YES \u2013 i know! The way the sales page appears is as if this is the miracle cure. Sorry \u2026.. so does every other product.\u00a0<\/em>My website consultant suggested and created it. (the testimonials are real by the way<\/strong>\u00a0!!!)<\/em><\/p>\n

If you want I can have (someone) Paypal you some money so it will be a paid post and you can just review the product and mention its existence. <\/em>You can also run a contest for a free copy.<\/em><\/p>\n

I am not doubting your integrity as a writer \u2013 i would not want it any other way!<\/em>
\nAll\u00a0I am saying is for you to understand my situation and realize that marketing and reality are not always on the same page.<\/em><\/p>\n

He goes on to say a few more things, then ends it with, \u201cGod Bless.\u201d<\/p>\n

My thoughts<\/strong><\/p>\n

This person is willing to\u00a0falsely lead frantic parents down a primrose path and then tell us that we are stupid for believing him since ads are never real. Translation:\u00a0“We are complete and total frauds, but we need cash. PS: Jesus Loves You.\u201d<\/p>\n

My response<\/strong><\/p>\n

No problem. I totally appreciate you getting back to me.<\/em><\/div>\n
I suppose I\u2019m disappointed because, even if your marketing director said to do it a certain way, it\u2019s kind of false advertising. Either it works 100% or it doesn\u2019t. Your ad is appealing to people like me who, in desperate situations, will do anything to make their children\u2019s lives better.<\/em><\/div>\n
I think it would be more honorable to tell the truth: This works x amount of times and in x amount of cases. But that doesn\u2019t sell as much product.<\/em><\/div>\n
I don\u2019t mean to sound high-handed. But it\u2019s disappointing.<\/em><\/div>\n
For the record, I would NEVER repeat an email from you or discredit you in any way. I\u2019m not into character defamation of any kind. But I will tell my readers to be aware of ads that promote cure-alls.<\/em><\/div>\n
I would ask you to humbly search your heart and consider revising\u00a0your statements in your ads. It would add sooooo much validity to you.<\/em><\/div>\n
Again, thanks for your honesty in your letter back. I wish you the very best.<\/em><\/div>\n
Their response<\/strong><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

I agree !!!!<\/em>
\nIn an ideal world\u2026..<\/em><\/p>\n

I\u2019ll tell you what:<\/em>
\nShow me ONE ad\/website\/print that gives percentages and I will pay to have my site revised and rewritten!!!!<\/em><\/p>\n

God Bless!<\/em><\/p>\n

My response back<\/strong><\/p>\n

I do understand. I really do. But this isn\u2019t a cleaning product \u2013 it\u2019s placing false hope for a real disorder that affects real people. I understand that you need to make money, but there are some things where it\u2019s more important to do the right thing. THAT\u2019s what God blesses. It\u2019s not a catch phrase or an email tag line.\u00a0<\/em><\/div>\n
With all due respect, you should be really ashamed of yourself.<\/em><\/div>\n
His response back<\/strong><\/div>\n
I\u2019ll never know. I will delete it without looking at it. I can\u2019t waste any more time on this. As the Bible says, \u201cDon\u2019t throw pearl to swine.\u201d<\/div>\n
God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<\/strong><\/div>\n
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