{"id":1026,"date":"2012-07-23T15:07:29","date_gmt":"2012-07-23T19:07:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1026"},"modified":"2012-07-23T15:07:29","modified_gmt":"2012-07-23T19:07:29","slug":"a-poem-i-wrote-for-my-son","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/a-poem-i-wrote-for-my-son\/","title":{"rendered":"A poem I wrote for my son"},"content":{"rendered":"

Please Tourette’s let his body have some peace tonight.<\/p>\n

Please Tourette’s, let him just lay still for once.<\/p>\n

Please let him know a state of relaxation, a place of calm predictibility, just for a moment before he goes to sleep.<\/p>\n

Won’t you take a break, for just a while — so he can take a break for just a while — before you resume your endless control of his body?<\/p>\n

Or better yet, how about you leave forever, and take the bullies, and starers, and whisperers with you, and let this one be free?<\/p>\n

Yes, that I would love to see.<\/p>\n

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