{"id":1005,"date":"2012-07-11T08:00:18","date_gmt":"2012-07-11T12:00:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/?p=1005"},"modified":"2012-07-11T08:00:18","modified_gmt":"2012-07-11T12:00:18","slug":"writing-a-book-heres-part-3-of-the-introduction","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/tsparents\/writing-a-book-heres-part-3-of-the-introduction\/","title":{"rendered":"Writing a book … here’s part 3 of the introduction"},"content":{"rendered":"

NOTE:\u00a0The is the last of three parts introducing AndreaF’s book about her life as a mother of a child with Tourette Syndrome. You can find the first two parts\u00a0here<\/a>\u00a0<\/strong>and here<\/a><\/strong>.<\/em><\/p>\n

The following isn’t really part of the book, it’s more a question that has been posed to me about the introduction and some of what follows.<\/p>\n

A friend of mine, who does not have a child with Tourette Syndrome \u2013 and who has been reading my book from Intro thru Chapter 5 \u2013 said: \u201cI love it, but it feels a bit like you\u2019re giving away the whole book. I mean, don\u2019t you want to keep some things a bit more hidden to hook people?\u201d<\/p>\n

She admitted she was unsure about this advice. She has given other notes she has been adamant about, so I trust her when she says she could go either way on that note.<\/p>\n

In my opinion, since this book is geared a bit toward self-help, it seems that parents who are hurting might want an intro that immediately gives them hope. They might want to see, from the get go, that yes, marriage can be strained. Fears are normal. Pity parties happen \u2013 but there is relief!<\/p>\n

Do you think I gave away too much? I mean, do you feel like you read the book or is it enough of an appetite wetter that you want more. Because trust me \u2013 there\u2019s a heck of a lot I have not said. I\u2019m just giving folk the overall theme: That TS isn\u2019t the end of the world.<\/p>\n


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